Bernie Sanders Didn’t Work Hard Enough for the Black Vote

Bernie Sanders Didn’t Work Hard Enough for the Black Vote

Yesterday during a heated debate on the Be Heard Talk show, Stanley Fritz declared to Selena Hill and the rest of the team that while he was upset that Senator Sanders had to drop out of the Presidential Primary, he was not surprised, because Sanders didn’t do enough to win the black vote.

According to Stanley, “while Senator Sanders has run on a leftist progressive message that has inspired millions of young voters, it was not enough to get them out on election day and vote. Meanwhile, Joe Biden was able to maintain strong and consistent support from the black voter base, while expanding the support he received from white voters across the country. “

“If Sanders was going to win the Democratic nomination, he was going to need to win over way more black votes than he did, instead he kept ignoring the calls for reparations, and didn’t do enough to reach out to black leaders.”

You can listen to the full discussion at the link below: